Tuesday 2 September 2008


Hold on to those lilacs while you wait for her; hold on to
The moonlight, the springtime, your memories; hold on while the
Rain devotes itself to teaching your body about patience;
Hold on to the stillness with wrinkled rose petal fingers when it stops;

When sun rises, hold on; when the sun sets, hold on;
Do not worry about the flowers wilting; hold on, while
She breaks bread with trembling fingers;hold on, as she wipes the
Sweat beading on her belly, smearing once perfect spheres against her flesh.

Hold on;guide her on her way to everything loud and swirling;
Hold on as you drown each other in dark wine; hold off the
Morning and keep yourself from burning too brightly too soon

Hold on to her feet and hands and swollen shadow as her
Love flows; let go only as your hearts stop and your lungs give up;
When death finds you both worthy, let her last thoughts be of a hurricane.


Anonymous said...

this is lovely :)

i think you should write on just for me :D


Anonymous said...
